Case Study
Organisation: NSW DPE

The Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme (HVFMS) team maintains flood mitigation assets in a fit for purpose state whilst adhering to NSW law and policy. In order to achieve this, HVFMS have a community engagement strategy, environmental management plan, strategic asset management plan, evaluation plan, technical specifications for maintenance works, asset condition and defect notification methodology.
While the assets are tracked in the SAP System, the existing process used to manage the preventative and reactive maintenance work is highly manual and it is estimated that the cost of the manual working is $11,400 per month, for HVFMS staff alone. The existing field service management solution also has limited functionality and does not adequately support the asset maintenance work carried out by contractors.
The HVFMS has recognised the need to make enhancements to the existing SAP system and to move to using a live mobile solution for preventative and reactive maintenance work.
The Services Company were engaged to provide solution architecture and design services for the project.
The Services Company's team were able to:
- Review/Finalise requirements
- Compile business requirements from existing documentation
- Review broad lessons learned over the last 18 months of work, e.g. from BlueWorx prototype, ESRI etc.
- Review and validate formal requirements end to end
- Workshop with HVFMS to Finalise/Collate/Validate/Sign off business requirements list
- Validate the functional requirements (including the ability to export X and Y geographical coordinates)
- Options analysis and selection of preferred option
- Review functionality/technical offering from ESRI and BlueWorx to the requirements and make recommendations on a preferred approach
- Review external offerings against the requirements and produce GAP analysis
- Review of alignment with one SAP/roadmap including Asset Management functionality
- Develop solution option, assessment of cost benefit, obtain revised proposals from preferred vendor and recommend preferred option
- Detail solution Architectural Design
- Detailed architecture/design developed in conjunction with recommended vendor and alignment with one SAP roadmap
- Implementation Strategy in conjunction with recommended vendor