Case Study
Hazard Warning App
Organisation: NSW RFS

The Services Company were engaged to product manage the second and third versions of NSW RFS’s flagship Fires Near Me App. Fires Near Me had proven invaluable to NSW citizens during the bushfires of 2019 and NSW RFS were keen to ensure that its next iteration had even better functionality. The Services Company were engaged to product manage this next exciting step in the apps development. The app then evolved into a multi-agency app called Hazards Near Me which incorporates NSW SES's Floods Near Me (which was part of our SSKO Prgram)
The scope of the project was to deliver a public communication app that notified the public about fires and floods within their vicinity. The project was to improve the usability and usefulness of the app and to rebuild the app from the ground up. We were then required to build it into an app that could be utilised by multiple agencies for different hazards.
The project involved liaison with multiple busines units, suppliers and technical units and a workforce that is dispersed across NSW. The app needed to be robust enough to be relied on as incorrect information could result in loss of life.
The Fires Near Me application was extended to support Northern Territory, Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland. Our team also delivered new functionality including dynamic notifications, crowdsourcing and real time alerts.
The app was then extended to incorporate flood warnings and was successfully rebranded as Hazards Near Me. With this rebrand the app became a multi-agency, multi-state initiative providing citizens within multiple states with reliable, year round warnings all within a single app.
iOS, Android, AWS