Case Study
Organisation: NSW SES

The Services Company were engaged to program manage the high profile SSKO program of work which aims to provide NSW SES’s team with innovative technology and process solutions to ensure that teams are kept safe whilst still remaining operational. This included developing a Mobile Incident Command Centre (MICC), Cell On Wheels Generation (COW) and Hazards and Warning Pilot.
The scope of the project was to deliver a state wide program of work, one of the biggest undertaken by NSW SES. The scope covered mobile response units, remote units, volunteer engagement and hazard warning systems
The program was delivered during one of the most severe storm seasons NSW has seen for many years. This meant that NSW SES stakeholders were operational and responding to emergencies significantly more than expected. This made liaison with the business very challenging.
The program required a significant change management component as it crossed so many parts of NSW SES and other agencies.

SSKO was recognised with the 2021 SafeWork Award for excellence in work health and safety. The Stay Safe Keep Operational (SSKO) Program developed the new Mobile Incident Command Centre (MICC) and Cell on Wheels Generation 2(COW) to address these challenges and to ensure the safety of NSW volunteers, our emergency service partners and the communities we serve. The launch of the COW project was personally visited by the NSW Premiere.
Mobile, GIS, Satellite technologies, CAD